
News and Publications

Who is Driving the HTA Bus? And Where is it Headed? (as published in Pharmaceutical Executive)

In collaboration with a biopharmaceutical manufacturer, Percipient analyzed the future role of health technology assessments specific to pharmaceuticals in the United States. Stakeholders, market forces, and emerging trends were identified that will shape the utilization of pharmaceutical value assessments (PVAs) and the growth of the organizations that conduct them. Four likely scenarios were expounded to recognize motivations, capabilities, limitations, and competitive dynamics. The team’s goal was to predict a future scenario and to advance the dialogue about the assessment of the value of pharmaceuticals as part of the wider transition to a sustainable value-based health care ecosystem.
Click here for the full article.

A poster presentation “Perceived Benefits and Barriers of Payer-Manufacturer Post-Marketing Outcomes Study Collaborations”

Payer-manufacturer post-marketing outcomes research collaborations will become increasingly critical as competition in the pharmaceutical marketplace increases and recent US healthcare reform moves forward. The study unveiled benefits and barriers of collaboration perceived by payers and manufacturers. In addition, important criteria for payers in selecting a pharmaceutical partner and key factors for manufacturers for a successful partnership was discussed.

Percipient hosted a webinar on our presentation at AMCP, “Payer Evidence Requirements for New Drugs: Trends and Impact”

The free webinar covered original research first presented on April 3rd at AMCP. The session explored the evidence that US payers are requesting and receiving for new products at launch, how evidence is used during drug review, how current evidence can be improved, and how the use and availability of evidence may change over the next 5 years.

Percipient presented “Payer Evidence Requirements for New Drugs: Trends and Impact” at the AMCP Annual Meeting

In the United States, new drugs are approved based on evidence of clinical efficacy and safety. Although that evidence might suffice for regulatory approval, payers increasingly are demanding more rigorous data that also demonstrate economic value. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are responding by building capabilities and processes for incorporating health outcomes measures into clinical development programs. Percipient presented the result of original research conducted with payer decision makers and manufacturers, which illuminated key issues including payer evidence requirements in demonstrating a drug’s value and manufacturer involvement in providing useful evidence to payers to justify access and reimbursement at the time of launch.
Click here for the presentation coverage on

Should pharma companies try to delight customers?

Sam Malik, Managing Partner at Percipient, participated in the panel discussion at the 10th Annual SAS Health Care and Life Sciences Executive Conference. The discussion centered around the importance of patient centricity along with the driving forces that will cause the health care system to become more patient-focused. Health care reform and the increase in the amount of real world evidence are some of the major catalysts for change. In response, pharmaceutical manufacturers must leverage the available patient data in order to patch together the patient story. Doing so will be the key in drive home an impactful marketing message.
Click here for the panel discussion coverage

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